SusanVega's Free Live Sex Chat - Adult Live Sex Cams
SusanVega's Free Sex Chat - Adult Live Sex Cams
At a glance:
Im as natural as possible, I say what I think, but I do it in a respectful way. I like to understand and be understood in return. My only rule in the room is that you be respectful, that you know when its time to speak gallantly and when it`s time to speak erotically. Since this is a big part of me
Im as natural as possible, I say what I think, but I do it in a respectful way. I like to understand and be understood in return. My only rule in the room is that you be respectful, that you know when its time to speak gallantly and when it`s time to speak erotically. Since this is a big part of me
What I'm doing in private:
Anal fingering, Dildo, Vibrator, Striptease, Dancing, Cameltoe, Deep Throat, Squirt, Foot Fetish, POV, Close-Up, Role Play, Fondling, Tit Wank, Live Orgasm, Oil, Drooling
Turns me On:
I like tense situations and with some risk of being seen, I love feeling my toy vibing and get my pussy moist.
Turns me Off:
Rushing men, no gentlemen and people with no manners. I also resent vulgar men and louts. Be kind to me and to other guest in my room